Sandalwood powder benefits | Organic product from Hennahub

The two type of sandalwood powder best for beauty benefits of skin are
white sandalwood and red sandalwood powder.
Both are equally powerful and give a long lasting effect when used on skin. white sandalwood powder mainly focuses on lightening and brightening the skin tone. whereas the red sandalwood powder effectively helps in removal of tan and uneven skin tone.
Real Sandal wood powder are not so easy to identify since there are many varieties available in market with mild fragrance to no fragrance. choosing the right one is really important as the duplicate powders may trigger dry skin issues. the smell has to be mild and sweet, creamy woody and very addictive to keep on smelling it.
How can sandalwood powder benefits your skin :
- Sandalwood powder is a natural mild disinfectant and can cure minor untreatable at the same time un-ignorable skin issues.
- Treats heat burns, heat rashes, sun tan, heat boils, heat bumps, acne, acne scars, pigmentation marks, wounds etc.
- It is a natural stress reliever and on applying on face, its soothing and calming effect aids your memory health.
- Since it can cool down your body in no time , people suffering from urinary trouble can also find relief by making use of sandalwood powder mask on face, scalp, hands, back etc.
- It can also effectively treat eczema at early stages. try using sandalwood powder in below mentioned combination to achieve maximum benefits depending on your skin types.
Ways to use sandal wood powder mask :
Mix equal parts of white sandal wood powder along with red sandalwood powder and rosewater. The red sandalwood powder might tint your face slightly but eventually it will wear off by next day. This combination will lighten, brighten and remove suntan blemishes from your face effectively.
Honey and sandalwood powder along with cucumber extract is a best option for summer face mask. it cools down your entire body thus preventing it from many issues like heat boil, acne and heat bumps etc.
Raw cow milk and sandalwood powder effectively brightens your complexion when used on a regular basis. even out skin tone.
Sandalwood powder along with freshly crushed hibiscus flower / dried hibiscus powder is rich in anti-oxidant and has miraculous anti-aging benefits. this combination mask helps the skin from free radical damage which are often caused by pollutants around us.
Want to know Homemade scrub with sandalwood powder?
Just mix 1 parts of sandal wood powder with one parts of crushed rolled oats. wet your face. Scrub around gently. leave it on for 5-7 minutes. There! feel the softness and dull glow off from your skin.
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