Best Educational Toys for children
Mothers have got a pivotal role in raising the child hence it is very crucial that all mothers take extra effort in understanding the right needs for their child.

A healthy mind reflects as a healthy soul
Hello new parents or soon to be parents out there …
This article speaks about how to introduce right toys to children aged 7 to 24 months and its benefits. There is no doubt that every new parents on this earth today, are on a constant search of “How to do a good parenting”. of course and who doesn’t to be one for their special baby. I may not be a perfect mother too but yet I try to case study every new day with all that i could in order to be a wise parent. i am writing this articles after i have tested this practice with my daughter who is 2 and 1/2 year old to to this day on june 2020. it really worked out for me and i am here to share few tips for all new momma out there. During my time no one helped me in understanding things the way i have learnt it today.
I have always felt that every mother from her generation needs to be updated. choose wisely in every move that we make. Then you call it for choosing their diapers or choosing their toys. Anything that is going to build them to be a confident soul, it has to be taken special care, isn’t it?
(A) So lets start with smaller things first
First and foremost things to follow while raising a child is to Observe, Appreciate & Constantly letting them know that how special they are. This helps the child build a stronger person from within or say mentally, Which is very important. You can’t bring out a wise person suddenly in a certain amount of time. It takes years and dedication to raise a confident person.
(B) A quick overview on baby’s motor development skills
Babies start to develop their motor skills once they are of 3 months of age. There are two main types of motor development (1) Fine Motor skill & (2) Gross Motor skill. All the smaller muscle in their body come under Fine motors like the Eye- Hand – Finger coordination. Rest of the bigger muscle comes under gross motor skill where the hands – Head – Body coordination happen. These muscle work in accordance with the message sent to brain. Lifting up the body, Crawling, Walking, Running, jumping , Sitting and Throwing all comes under gross motor activity. As such 4+ months to 24 months of age is very crucial that we make use of this period and teach them the amazing activity that they can do with their body.
The moment your child starts moving her/his hands freely, start introducing objects that is convenient for them to hold. This activity encourages their hand and finger co-ordination. This is the stage where their hand muscles start developing. All the joints and movements start to cooperate with the brain function.
1. Pull and stick toy.
There is no hard and fast rule that you must introduce the same toy to your kid. But this toy carries a function which is similar to the purpose that i have explained in the above paragraph. It is light weight yet durable material and made of high quality food grade plastic. Its 2 and 1/2 years since my purchase and trust me there is no single crack on yet. There are lot of imitating products available in the market but make sure you choose the toys made of high quality material while introducing to your kids.
While your child has started making efforts to lift her/his body off the ground its time to roll up your sleeves. Yes, They are going to need extra energy and nutrition into their tiny system. This stage enables Hand to legs coordination. Moreover their body is going to see, understand and develop curiosity ability along with their movement of limbs as well. So we can engage them in a very simple method.
2. Key toys or motion toys.
Key toys are none other than the toys that move once you key them up. There are hundreds of option available in the market. You can have a lot of collection but introduce one at a time. By doing so they will start to learn how to be observant and curious. They will know that this is something unusual from what they have been seeing for the past few days. And you can also keep them engaged in this activity for sometime until you finish preparing your meals or put your laundry to dry… Hahahaaa…!
Babies have got the fresh blood hence they have the ability to grasp things as fast as they can. You cant underestimate their memory power for any given task related to their age. keep them little ahead of time and their brain will fall into this practice and adapt this condition throughout their life. So now, you start teaching them with phoenix and alphabets. Numbers as well… Obviously they wont be able to repeat back after you. but They surely are listening and grasping out of what you teach at this stage. Keep repeating it to them everyday without fail. My daughter when she was 12 months old she just started recognizing the letters A, E, I, Z and J when written on paper.
To my surprise that was too early for her to say that, whereas i saw none of my other friend’s kids had even barely knew anything about alphabets.
3. Alphabets and Numbers puzzle.
Very handy and very safe to play and handle. Alphabets and numbers are something that you can easily start training your kids with. this is made of wood and are non hazardous at all. Teach them by keeping them next to you or asking them how and where to place it. Don’t leave your kids unsupervised at all in any condition with anything until they reach maturity. it is always safer to teach and play with kids in your presence in order to avoid choking or any other serious issues that kids can put you through.
This is the stage where babies start developing their visual and cognitive stimulation. It is very important to teach them different colours right when they start to observe things around. Later it becomes utmost helpful for them wherever they get exposed to. Usually kids learn colours when they start going to school but why wait when they can really start identifying it when they start to speak…? One way to help them understanding colours is through teaching them with different shapes. this helps their brain catch up things easily.
4. Colourful shape sorter toys.
There are many shape sorter toys available today in the market. For eg. say Ring stacker, Disc stacker, Shape sorter etc. Now introduce it gradually to your kids. there is no way that the child can repeat back with you in this stage. so your job is just to recite the colours for them showing each one of it everyday. But while their mind is memorizing it sooner they will be able to distinguish the colours you say. like i kept showing shapes and colours to my daughter. Few weeks later, when i would ask her to choose red colour she would pick it up confidently. Although at this stage she wasn’t verbally saying it but she knew what is the name of colours and which one are those. So thats how it goes.
Shapes are not easy for kids to understand. but teaching them with co relating things at home makes it real fun for them. Now would you believe if i say, My daughter could distinguish the shape Pentagon and octagon when she was just 15 months old. Yes, she would really tell the name of the shape. While babies are trying to understand the shapes it becomes very helpful for them to understand its perspective. This in turn keeps their brain pretty sharp while they start to observe the world.
Babies can start to learn or read the words right from the age of 4 months is what researchers say. You can just recite it for them like you are saying story to them. whether you write it or spell it or say in foreign language they can understand it all. Yes babies are miracles and greater than any wonders from this universe. How can you teach it to them in right way? Do not stress them for educating at this stage.. we are just focusing on the time that can be made useful by giving them educational toys. Babies are good listeners and observers.
1) Point out certain objects to them – Like say, Where is baby’s bottle or teddy bear or pillow?
2) Sing the object loudly just for fun – Like, Twinkle twinkle little Star and point out the star and repeat that word.
3) Talk about it – Like, Where is baby’s Bottle, Booo boo has yummy milk in her bottle, where is our bottle?
4) Make funny sounds – Like, Cow in the farm goes.. mooooo.. or Babies on the bus go wan wan wan
5. Board books
Board books has got it all. You can find it from any book store or online. it is very easy to handle this book both by ourself and by kids. Board books have thick page, bigger object and words that are shorter. Easier to read for them and the memorize. These books are specially designed, keeping in mind of all the needs and convenience required from a baby’s point of view.
This toy is to develop a child’s ability to understand the spatial relationship with the blocks. while they are trying to make some model out of it, it develops curiosity. it also builds a personality to them. Kids learn not to give up on things easily that they want to achieve in positive aspects. My daughter had made a cake model out of this block. late she made ice cream Popsicle model out of this block. Once Children understand this then it is all fun afterwards. By introducing such toys you are encouraging your child’s brain to function steadily with the help of other parts of their body. They understand how to start using their body in different ways.
6. Building blocks
Introduce the blocks from just 5 piece at initially and gradually increase it later. Sit next to them and teach them how to stack. Watch their tiny little fingers so that they don’t get in between two blocks while they are fixing it. As such choose block wisely. At Initial stages introduce with bigger blocks because when blocks are bigger you don’t have to worry about their fingers getting pinched as they would be able to hold only the top portion of the block. Then as they grow you can reduce the size of the blocks.
From 18+ months you can start home training your kids. Teach them moral values and understanding ethics towards life. You can also check out my article on how i home trained my toddler with very simple methods available at home yet the most valuable topics that they can pick up at this stage.
Whenever we are helping our child understand new things be extremely patient with them. Even if it takes years or minutes. Do not ever attempt to scare them or be strict with them in anyway. This helps the child gain confidence while understanding things. Letting them pick up in their own time makes them remember things forever. and if you make your teachings harsh, it will only make them learn temporary in the fear that they may end up getting screwed from you. Note the difference…
P.S.- After a long study from various sources, I have published this article from my own way of observations & practices that i performed over my daughter. It did work out for me and for many of my friend’s children followed from my suggestions. However this is not a compulsory advise for anyone to follow. Though it works out effectively this way, its up to a person’s choice to choose the way of teaching for their own kids.
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Good idea. Its 👌 useful for who are about to become mom first time and others too..
Really effective and positive way to teach the kids.
Now a days being a parent also is BiG Task 😂
Yes.. 😊
I believe this website has some really fantastic information for everyone. Well explained with supporting picture. we are working on rural education for our community near Rwanda and this article has helped me explore new approach to our rural community kids.
Happy to hear Bamidele.